Tuesday 5 April 2016

Post Two


I am on vacation until Mid-April to clear my head and come up with a workable game plan. I need a new base of Operations to continue my work and to unwind after hours. Unfortunately where I am now is out of frying pan and straight into the fire. I am debating on setting up a Patreon account so people can fund me if they like. I do know that I am done living in basements and ground floors. Ideally I want to find a nice loft for me to set up in. I just want a basic space that is roomy enough for all of my gear though I am going to scrap what is no longer usable once i return home.

For the moment though I am on a pilgrimage at my family estate in the country to clear my head and go over my notes. I am also using my time to try to design a better helmet for myself. My current one is a mask based loosely off of Court of Owls DC Comic with elements of the head wear priests and priestesses would wear in the temple of Athena. I also plan on enjoying the grounds of the manor before it is sold.

I do enjoy the time I am spending with the animals there namely the dogs and the three barn cats. I love animals, always have. I plan on savouring and trying to live these days fully because I know that i have to return to my situation though I do have one piece of news, I scored an internship that should help pay for some things. Keep watching my channel because  I will be posting new videos soon. Until next time, Nemo Corvus out.

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