Friday 8 April 2016

Third Entry

I have uploaded a new video on youtube about UFO crashes based off of an article in the December 1990 edition of OMNI magazine. I am doing videos on the paranormal where it has always fascinated me since i was a boy in grade school. I am also learning how to use premiere pro by adobe in the process. I eventually plan on once i can afford it to buy the latest version of premiere pro.

In other matters no evidence to suggest anything beyond suicide in a family members death. I can find no other notes or anything to suggest other wise. I had to look where the old man would have done the same for me if our roles were reversed. I owed him that much. Until next I am Nemo Corvus.

Tuesday 5 April 2016

Post Two


I am on vacation until Mid-April to clear my head and come up with a workable game plan. I need a new base of Operations to continue my work and to unwind after hours. Unfortunately where I am now is out of frying pan and straight into the fire. I am debating on setting up a Patreon account so people can fund me if they like. I do know that I am done living in basements and ground floors. Ideally I want to find a nice loft for me to set up in. I just want a basic space that is roomy enough for all of my gear though I am going to scrap what is no longer usable once i return home.

For the moment though I am on a pilgrimage at my family estate in the country to clear my head and go over my notes. I am also using my time to try to design a better helmet for myself. My current one is a mask based loosely off of Court of Owls DC Comic with elements of the head wear priests and priestesses would wear in the temple of Athena. I also plan on enjoying the grounds of the manor before it is sold.

I do enjoy the time I am spending with the animals there namely the dogs and the three barn cats. I love animals, always have. I plan on savouring and trying to live these days fully because I know that i have to return to my situation though I do have one piece of news, I scored an internship that should help pay for some things. Keep watching my channel because  I will be posting new videos soon. Until next time, Nemo Corvus out.

First Post

Some of you have seen my youtube channel by now though some of you may not have. Therefore I shall introduce myself. I am Nemo Corvus(not my real name). I am writer, painter, poet sometimes cyber plague doctor. I used to be practice Wicca but I am no Witch, I am something more. I am a Grey Consular in a sense that i am still trying to figure out. The code I decided to abide by is:

There is passion but there is also peace. There chaos but there is order, there darkness but there is light. I am the guardian of the flame, the keeper of balance. I am a Grey Consular.

These days I find myself drawn once more back into the shade of night as in recent events over the past three years especially the last year in particular have mirrored events from eight years ago almost perfectly. I had to deal with people stalking me and trying to harm me to the suicide of friends and family members under mysterious circumstances that make me question was it murder. Recently I returned to a place where me and some friends used to go to meet. It is an old run down building in South Woodside I call AR572 from the numbers on the doors.

I went there looking for answers instead I found nothing but empty space. I tried to shoot video in there but the results were unstable. I will be posting the videos of my urban exploration into there on my youtube channel once i return from my pilgrimage to my family estate on ancestral property. I was able to salvage some gear from there including ssd hard drives and some flash cards and cables from AR572. Unfortunately the answers i seek weren't to be found. I will continue to post new videos on a semi regular basis on different phenomenon and stories some of my own writings as I continue unless something happens to me.

They say everything goes full circle lets just hope once the circle is complete that I arrive at the answers i seek.